Tips to be followed during your NEET preparation:

NEET is one of the most highly competitive exams in our country. It is conducted for all the undergraduate MBBS and BDS courses all over India. So here are some tips to follow during your preparation for the NEET exam:

  • The very first tip is to not have any fear for this exam. It is very common that students to have a sense of fear and anxiety when sitting for this exam. Remove all these from your head and then start the preparation.
  • The first thing is the syllabus. Preparation is something that should start from the syllabus. Make sure that you have a clear image of the syllabus in your mind. It is recommended that you should write down the syllabus in your own handwriting and keep that on your study table. The syllabus will be your torch for the upcoming path of preparation. You should be well versed with all the topics and sections inside the syllabus. The whole syllabus is divided into 3 sections, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology). Also, an important tip here is to compare the syllabus with your class’s 11th and 12th examinations. This will help you spot the topics which you have studied in your school curriculum.
  • The next tip is to get familiar with the kind of pattern which is followed for the NEET exam. Preparing blindly for the exam is not a good idea. You should always have a clear understanding of the exam pattern. Get familiar with the pattern and the kind of questions. For example, answering an objective question is very different from answering a subjective question, or answering an MCQ is different from answering a one-word question. Preparation should be done keeping in mind the question paper pattern of the NEET exam. Every pattern requires a different kind of preparation strategy. So before starting with your preparation understand the paper pattern.
  • Study all the concepts and try to have good clarity on everything. It is important that you have clarity on all the concepts which are there in the syllabus. NEET requires one to have detailed clarity on the topics. Do not try and brush away anything. 
  • The next important point is the NEET question paper pattern. It is very important to understand what kind of exam is NEET, what are the questions, the marking scheme, and so on. This will help you to put your efforts in the right way forward. For example, if the questions consist of true/false type, then you need to put a certain amount of effort and if it is more like a one-word answer question then it will require a different kind of effort. So it becomes very crucial to know what you are preparing for, how your question paper will look like. 
  • Plan your months. It is very important to have short-term goals in your study schedule. Always plan your months, like what all you will be covering in the coming month, how many topics, etc. This will help you to prepare in a systematic way. Having short-term goals is always better than long ones. This will help you to keep track of your preparation for the upcoming exam.
  • Another important tip is to prepare the notes for all the chapters. Always prepare the notes for the chapters you will be reading. Notes are important as they help you to have a quick revision whenever you want to. It helps you to have all those bulky concepts in a short crisp manner. Make your notes look attractive, make them colorful. Try to use flowcharts in your notes. Also, another tip is to use sticky notes to add on the extra information. Here it is suggested to make notes on loose sheets rather than notebooks. It will enable you to add information in between whenever you want to.
  • Another important thing is to always start from the basic books. Never go for the advanced-level books in your first reading. Basic books written in simple language should be the starting point. You can start with the advanced ones after having the ground knowledge. This trick is applied to solving questions also. It is very important to first solve the easy and the simple question and then gradually move towards the complicated ones.
  • One very important thing is to always revise and practice. These two tips will help you to gain expertise over the chapters in the syllabus. Do not think that revising the same thing, again and again, is a waste of time. It is very important. It will ensure that you have 100% clarity over the chapters. Another tip here is to always revise from your own notes, avoid taking up any new book or guide during the revision days.
  • Time management is a skill which will help you to prepare well. The NEET syllabus is quite bulky and the time is limited. You will have to manage your time well so that you do not miss anything. Also, you need to ensure that you have some short breaks in your study schedule.
  • Previous year papers and model test papers are very essential. Do not wait for the syllabus to get over, try and solve at least 1-2 mock papers every day. In this way, you will be able to spot the NEET Important Questions. This will help you to reflect on your preparation and get some feedback on this. To make these more effective you can always seek help and assistance from your teachers, they will help you decipher your weak points and help you to convert them into your strengths.
  • The last tip is to always have a healthy routine and take care of yourself. Always keep in mind that this exam is not the end. It’s just one exam and not your life.  

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