Class 10 Board Exams

Class 10 Board Exam is first towards the career. Board exams are the most stressful time for the students of class 10 as they are appearing for boards for the first time. Board exams are important because the results will decide which stream students can choose in Class 11 whether science, commerce, or Humanities. Students should score well in board exams to get admission into the stream of their choice. Board exams are normal exams but it creates a lot of stress because for the first time it is conducted by CBSE. Unlikely, every semester, exams are not conducted by their schools. There is pressure to study hard and score a good percentage because the Class 10 mark sheet is referred to whenever you take admission to college or go for a job interview.

Also, In many schools, students can choose a stream based on their Class 10 board result. If one wants to go after the science stream, then one needs to score the required percentage to match the eligibility criteria.  Students need to score the highest marks for the science stream than the commerce or Humanities stream.

Class 10 boards results matter a lot if students fail to score enough marks that might result in a complete change of their career plan. That’s why there is so much hype about Class 10 board exams.

This time Class 10 syllabus is divided into two parts: first term and second term. Formerly, board exams happen annually. To score well in the exam it is very important to understand the exam pattern and important topics.

Class 10 Board Exam Syllabus and Exam pattern 

  • English 

Term 1

  • Reading

This section includes the following kinds of unseen passages: Discursive passage (400-450 words) and Case-based Factual passage (with visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc. 300-350 words)

  • Writing Skill

This section includes a Formal letter based on a given situation, a Letter to the Editor, a Letter of Complaint (Official), Letter of Complaint.

  • Grammar

This section includes Tenses, Modals, Subject-Verb Concord, Determiner, Reported Speech, Commands and Requests, Statements, Questions.

  • Literature

This section includes:

4a. First Flight

  1. A Letter to God
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. Two Stories About Flying
  4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
  5. The Hundred Dresses 1
  6. The Hundred Dresses 2

4b. Poems

  1. Dust of Snow
  2. Fire and Ice
  3. A Tiger in the Zoo
  4. The Ball Poem

4c. Footprints Without Feet

  1. A Triumph of Surgery
  2. The Thief’s Story
  3. Footprints Without Feet

Term 2

  • Reading

This section includes kinds of unseen passages: Discursive passage (400-450 words) and  Case-based Factual passage (with visual input/ statistical data/ chart etc. 300-350 words)

  • Writing Skill

This section includes a Formal letter based on a given situation ion, Letter of Order, Letter of Enquiry, Analytical Paragraph (based on outline/chart/cue/map/report, etc.)

  • Grammar

This section includes, Tenses, Modals, Subject-Verb Concord, Determiner, Reported Speech, Commands and Requests, Statements, Questions.

  • Science 

Term 1

Unit 1 – Chemical Substances- Nature and Behaviour

This unit is of total 16 marks it includes:

Chapter -1 Chemical reactions and equations

Chapter – 2 Acids, Bases, and Salts

Chapter – 3 Metals and non – metals

Unit 2: World of Living

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes:

Chapter – 6 Life processes

Unit 3: Natural Phenomena

This unit is of total 14 marks it includes:

Chapter – 10 Light – Reflection and Refraction

Chapter – 11 Human eye and colorful world

Term 2

Unit 1: Chemical Substances- Nature and Behavior

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes:

Chapter – 4 Carbon and its compounds

Chapter – 5 Periodic Classification of elements

Unit 2: World of Living

This unit is of total 16 marks it includes:

Chapter – 8 How do organisms reproduce?

Chapter – 9 Heredity and Evolution

Unit 4: Effects of Current

This unit is of total 16 marks it includes:

Chapter – 12 Electricity

Chapter – 13 Magnetic effects of current

Unit 5: Natural Resources

This unit is of total 16 marks it includes:

Chapter – 15 Our Environment

  • Mathematics 

Term 1

  1. Real Number – 06 marks
  2. Algebra – 10 marks
  3. Polynomials
  4. Pair of linear equations in two variables
  5. Lines – 06 marks
  6. Triangles – 06 marks
  7. Introduction to Trigonometry – 05 marks
  8. Areas related to circles – 04 marks
  9. Statistics – 03 marks

Term 2

  1. Algebra – 10 marks
  2. Quadratic Equations 
  3. Arithmetic Progressions
  4. Geometry – 09 marks
  5. Circles 
  6. instructions 
  7. Some Applications of Trigonometry – 07 marks
  8. Surface Areas and Volumes – 06 marks
  9. Statistics – 08 marks
  • Social Science 

Term 1

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

Section 1: Events and Processes

  1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Unit 2: Contemporary India – II

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

  1. Resources and Development
  2. Water Resources
  3. Agriculture

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

  1. Power Sharing
  2. Federalism

Unit 4: Economics

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

  1. Development
  2. Sectors of the Indian Economy

Term 2

Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

Section 1: Events and Processes

  1. Nationalism in India

Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies, and Societies (any one of them)

  1. The Making of a Global World
  2. The Age of Industrialization

Unit 2: Contemporary India – II

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

  1. Minerals and Energy Resources
  2. Manufacturing Industries
  3. Life Lines of National Economy

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

  1. Political Parties
  2. Outcomes of Democracy

Unit 4: Economics 

This unit is of total 10 marks it includes: 

  1. Money and Credit
  2. Globalization and the Indian Economy
  • Hindi

Term 1

  1. अपठित गदयांश कावयांश – 10 Marks
  2. व्याकरण के लिए निर्धारित विषयवस्तु का बोध भाषिक बिंदु / संरचना आदि पर प्रश्न – 16 Marks
  3. पाठ्यपुस्तक क्षितिज हिंदी भाग-2 – 14 Marks
  4. आंतरिक मूल्यांकन – 10 Marks

Term 2

  1. पाठ्यपुस्तक क्षितिज हिंदी भाग-2 पूरक
  2. पाठ्यपुस्तक कृतिका भाग-2 – 20 Marks
  3. लेखन – 20 Marks
  4. आंतरिक मूल्यांकन – 10 Marks

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