Characteristics of an ideal candidate for laser hair removal treatment

Laser treatment hit the market in 1998 since then it has become a part of cosmetic procedures in Laser clinic Richmond. The treatment has been used to remove unwanted hair instead of opting for traditional methods like shaving and waxing which are time-consuming and costly. Technology has improved in recent years. It is important to understand that an excellent candidate for laser hair removal should consider this treatment. Here are some factors you should consider before going for laser hair removal.

Treatment areas

Laser hair removal is perfect for larger areas of skin like the back, hands, underarms and legs. Altho the treatment is also useful in removing facial hairs. The treatment is beneficial in groups of hair instead of scattered ones.


The colour of hair is an important factor which affects how well the treatment works for you. The darker shade of hair is considered ideal because the lighter shade of hair Can also be removed with laser hair removal but they require additional sessions. Brain white hair is the most difficult to remove.

Hair type

The thickness of hair is another important aspect. If your hairs are fine the result would not be as clear as those with thick hairs. This is the reason why laser treatment in eyebrows is difficult.


The technique of laser treatment depends on the disintegration of melanin. Those with lighter skin are ideal candidates for laser hair removal. The reason behind it is the darker skin colour has a large amount of millennium which makes it a little difficult task. But with the advancement of laser hair removal technology, it is available for every skin type and colour.

Medical conditions

Good health is important for the course of treatment. The practices should be aware of those conditions and make decisions accordingly. If you have any condition of melanoma, raised moles, suspicious lesions, healing problems, active infection, cold sores, tattoos in the treatment area, recent use of any cosmetic drug, pregnancy, nursing or history of what time in disease like scleroderma, vitiligo etc. avoid treatment completely.


This is not any issue related to your hair and body but it is an important issue to consider. The treatment requires more than one removal session to complete the work. You should make a vital plan to finish the job.


Even if you are not eligible for the above characteristics. You should consult your physician if you are considering the treatment. Laser Clinic Richmond can perfectly tell you after diagnosing your skin health and other conditions properly. These tips are just a broad spectrum to judge if you are an ideal candidate for treatment but be sure with a qualified physician.

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