How to Design Hiring Signs That Attract the Talent You Want

With the economy improving after the havoc of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are again looking to hire people. According to Washington Post, there are some 10 million job openings in America, much more than the unemployment levels in the country. The challenge, at the moment, seems to be one of attracting qualified candidates to fill the available positions. For small businesses, often filling open positions is even harder, as they cannot spend too much on advertising. For small businesses operating locally, yard signs represent one of the most productive advertising channels.

Make the Design Attention-Grabbing

Because yard signs are relatively small, there is always pressure on the advertiser to restrict the matter on them. However, for the signs to have the impact you desire, you must make sure that you mention the business name and include its logo so that it catches the eye of prospective hires. Including images also helps to attract eyeballs. You should stay true to your brand colors and fonts to give a professional impression. The use of eye-catching colors is important as the yard signs compete with other advertising on the ground for attention.

Include the Job Details

Your hiring signs will work better if you include the job title and the expected role. If you have multiple openings, use one sign to advertise only a single position. Include in brief the profile you are looking for and provide details on your website. Make it easy for candidates to access the website by printing a qr code job application; applicants can scan on their mobile phones. Make sure you include an apply-by date and also remember to remove the now hiring signs after that date or use them to advertise new positions. Be careful to evaluate the job profile correctly, or you will be perceived as an employer that demands too much and pays too little.

Top Benefits of Putting Up a Hiring Sign 

Affordability: One of the main reasons why hiring signs continue to be popular even in the digital age is they are inexpensive to design, print, install, and remove. You will usually also not have to pay anything for putting them up as friends and neighbors will be willing to accommodate your request for displaying them.

High impact: Because you will put up most of the signs in the proximity of your business where the opportunity for people to see it is high, the number of impressions that these signs get is usually large. You are likely to get a good response from your target audience if you pay attention to the location of the hiring signs.

Versatile: Since you have the liberty to design the hiring signs as you like, you can include whatever information you like, including your company branding. When you use these yard signs consistently, you can also enhance your branding in the community.


If you have positions to fill, there is nothing better than local candidates. They are liable to easier to hire and have better retention rates than candidates from outside. Hiring signs are inexpensive, provide great value for money, and allow better integration with the local community.

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